Check this out!
Recently, our teammates, Meghan Erkel, Nadeen Mekhael, and Jing Murray, conducted a full-day Outreach & Enrollment Training at Quincy Community Health Center, a Migrant Health Center in Quincy, Washington. The training was used as a pilot to evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of HOP's "Outreach & Enrollment Training Curriculum 2.0: For Outreach and Health Center Staff". A total of 13 promotores participated in the training in Spanish and English.
Evaluation results found that participants had a 20% increase in knowledge of public health insurance programs in Washington state. Most importantly, findings showed that the training provided an indispensable opportunity for promotores to come together in fellowship to share ideas, advice, and insights about the O&E process.
Thank you to Mary Jo and all the participants for making this pilot so rewarding and inspiring! For inquiries on the Outreach & Enrollment Curriculum and O&E trainings, please contact Nadeen Mekhael at